Walking a Tightrope: The Perils of Being a Codependent EmpathIn the complex landscape of human psychology, a unique intersection of traits can lead individuals down a perilous path: the codependent...
Navigating the empath's Journey: Understanding Empaths in RelationshipsIn the intricate tapestry of human connections, some individuals possess a unique gift: empathy. Empaths, as they're known, have an...
Untangling the Web: Understanding Codependent RelationshipsIn the entangled dance of human relationships, there exists a dynamic that can be both subtle and destructive: codependency. While the...
Why self-love isn't selfish?The concept of self-love has been trendy lately. Some people even confuse self-love with narcissism thinking it is all about loving...
How can Words impact our Mind?The American writer, Jessamyn West, once wrote, “A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fest forever.” Words can hurt...
How to Break Free from your Toxic Self?To this question, most unhealed - and unconscious - people would certainly answer: “I am not toxic; it is the people around me who are...